Luxe et préférences

Si j’étais milliardaire, qu’aimerais je donc faire?

L’étude réalisée cet été par la chaîne Small Luxury Hotels of the World (SLH, pour faire plus simple) permet de préciser les préférences d’une clientèle fortunée, c’est à dire environ 800 individus venus du monde entier.

Tout d’abord, où vont donc les dépenses de ceux qui ont de l’argent? Ces dernières sont destinées en priorités aux voyages, aux nouvelles technologies, ou encore au secteur de la restauration. Le client de luxe à des goûts simples, finalement, car comme n’importe quel individu il aime en priorité se restaurer, communiquer, et… voyager.

En parlant de voyages, peut être, la comparaison laisse une certaine tendance à l’exagération. Car la clientèle étudiée va de préférence aux Maldives, en France et en Italie. Pour ce reposer dans un palace de 5 étoiles, ou renouer avec la nature et l’authenticité… Mais même sur ce mot là, je ne suis pas sûre d’avoir la même définition, sachant que le budget consacré atteint pour un week end 2000£ environ.

Enfin, cette étude ne saurait être complète sans une référence au monde de la mode et de la beauté, deux même. Tout d’abord, que de nombreux consommateurs en provenance des pays émergents consacrent une part importante de leur budget à la mode et à la beauté. Ensuite, que c’est Chanel qui a été désignée comme marque de luxe préférée des interrogés.





(4 commentaires)

  1. Thanks for an amazing put up, will study your oetrhs content. i appreciate your thoughts with this, I experienced a bit strike by this post. Many thanks again! You wanna make an excellent aspect. Has great facts here. I think that if more individuals thought about it that way, they’d have got a better moment in time have the suspend ofing the situation.

  2. Good post and i like your website, what are your views on hosuing inthe UK?How desperately do we need more homes? What can we do to make homes more affordable?, thank you

  3. Hi! Sounds like a wonderful wekeend! Have fun! My soon to be ex had his surgery so been taking care of the homefront, and my kids were at the hospital all day on monday-it was touch and go for awhile but he’s doing I’m still looking for a job, but doing odd jobs so it keeps me going and meeting all kinds of people. Today, I washed windows for this soldier who losted his arm, he lives down the rode from me, I don’t know many neighbors, and since I was having my son and his girlfrined over for dinner, I invited him for chicken wings and few other things. Today, its been 10yrs. since the war started and all these soldiers fighting for our freedom, some have come home and some aren’t so lucky! He has just spirit and he’d go over again if he hadn’t gotten hurt.He’s only 24yrs. old. My son willbe 21 on October 26th. Todd told us that he’s proud of being a soldier but needs to start all over being a civilian for he’s always been a soldier.He was so happy to meet some people that aren’t staring at him for he’s missing an arm, he’s getting fitted for one soon!He sure made my day!and he told me we all made his day alot better,too! You’ll get your writing done! Can’t wait to read your new book! Have fun!

  4. Thanks Toonsy! I was still reading the posts, just didnt have much to say! Being in the USA makes it difficult to be informed about a lot of NCL stuff. Im actually on my way back to England for a visit on Aug 16th so am going to miss seeing the NCL v Man U game as I will be traveling at the time and dont arrive into NCL airport until the 17th so I timed that badly! I look forward to reading your match report on it though. You lads and lasses on here all do a great job. Very entertaining. Cheers, Jilly Bean

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